


Bread Cutlets

Bread Cutlets

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Hello dear foodies! Looking for something delectable and healthy to eat without any fuss? If so then you have made your way to the right place to be! is proud to bring the scrumptious and healthy bread cutlets recipe to your kitchen so you can make your snack times even more fun! There have been many great snack recipes that you can find out on, for example, the chocolaty and mushy doughnuts recipe, the tasty and easy to prepare bread samosa recipe, the delectable stuffed pizza, and the mouthwatering Mexican tacos recipes. Cutlets are eaten all over the world with great delight but in the west and Pakistan, the word cutlet has two different meanings: in the west and most parts of the world, the word cutlet is used to define a cut of meat that has been specifically designed for a recipe. While on the other hand, Pakistan and most of the central Asia knows cutlet as a small piece, fillet or roll which is mostly covered in bread crumbs and deep fried. It is served as a quick snack and in some cases as an appetizer. The rest of the world knows this recipe by the name of “croquettes”. This recipe can be made with a variety of ingredients like mashed potatoes, chickpeas, chicken, beef, mashed prawns, fish meat, and cheese. Regardless of what the ingredients are, the general cooking process remains the same. You can find the complete bread cutlets recipe on in Urdu and English languages.

Ingredients for bread cutlets:
300 gm boiled potatoes
500 gm boiled chicken
100 gm Boiled daal Moong
1 Onion
1 Tomato
1 Green capsicum
10 gm Green coriander
15 gm Nigella seeds
4 Green chilies
Salt (As Needed)
½ TSP turmeric
1 TBSP Red chili Crushed
1 TBSP Red chili powder
1 TBSP dry coriander
2 Bread slices
Cooking oil as needed
Directions for bread cutlets:
1. In a bowl, add boiled potatoes, boiled chicken, boiled Moong daal, Onion, Tomato, Green Capsicum, Green Coriander, Nigella seeds, Green Chilies, Salt, Turmeric, Red chili Crushed, Red Chili powder, Dry Coriander, and mix them well
2. Now take a bread slice, cut it from sides and press it lightly with the help of any round shaped small bowl, then cut the sides of braed slice around round shaped bowl. Now its round shaped bread slice. apply the mixture which we have prepared above, and close it by keeping another round bread slice at this
3. Now dip the prepared cutlets in Egg and fry them untill they change into golden brown
4. Your tasty Bread cutlets is ready to serve
Cooking Time: 25 minutes Serve: 2

اجزاء اُبلے ہوئے آلو تین سو گرام اُبلا ہوا چکن پانچ سو گرام اُبلی ہوئی دال مونگ ایک سو گرام پیاز ایک عدد ٹماٹر ایک عدد سبز شملہ مرچ ایک عدد سبز دھنیا دس گرام کلونجی پندرہ گرام سبز مر چ چار عدد ،نمک حسبِ ذائقہ ہلدی آدھا چائے کا چمچ لال مرچ کُٹی ہوئی ایک کھانے کا چمچ لال مر چ پاؤڈر ایک کھانے کا چمچ سو کھا دھنیا ایک کھانے کا چمچ بریڈ سلائس دو عدد کھانے کا تیل حسبِ ضرورت ترکیب ۔ایک باؤ ل میں اُبلے ہوئے آلو لیں اوراس میں اُبلاہوا چکن ،اُبلی ہوئی دال مونگ ،پیاز ،ٹماٹر ،سبز شملہ مرچ ،سبز دھنیا ،کلونجی ،سبز مرچ ،نمک،ہلدی ،لال مرچ کُٹی ہوئی ،لا ل مرچ پاؤڈر اور سوکھادھنیا ڈال کر اچھی طرح مکس کرلیں ۔ ۔اب ایک بریڈ سلائس لیں اورہلکا سا دبا لیں اور تیار کیا ہو ا مکسچر ڈال کر دوسرابریڈ رکھ کر بند کر دیں ۔ ۔اب تیار ہوئے کٹلس کو انڈے میں ڈپ کر کے گولڈن براؤن ہونے تک ڈیپ فرائی کرلیں ۔ ۔آپکا مزیدار بریڈ کٹلس تیار ہے ۔ پکا نے کا وقت: پچیس منٹ افراد: ایک

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