


Bread Pizza Recipe

Bread Pizza Recipe

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Bread Pizza Recipe in Urdu & English

Bread Pizza recipe is another delectable addition to the long list of snacks that you can find on the menu of There are many other fast food recipes that you can find on the SooperChef menu like the cheese nuggets, chili garlic wings, chicken tarragon, chicken schnitzel, chicken loaf, chicken wings, chicken lasagna, chicken honey wings, cheese omelet sandwich, finger fish, club sandwich, veggie nuggets and spicy cheese balls. Pizza is basically yeasted bread which is baked in an oven with sauces and vegetables on top. Typically it is topped with cheese, tomato sauce, a selection of meats and vegetables and condiments. Pizza can be frozen, either whole or in pieces but generally it is served hot and is a significant part of fast food all over the globe. It is especially popular in Europe and North America. Pizza recipe has an Italian origin as the term “pizza” was first used in the tenth century in a Latin document from Gaeta in Central Italy, back when it was still a part of the Byzantine Empire in 977 AD. Pizza can be prepared with chicken chunks, beef, veal, mutton meat, lamb, prawns, shrimps, and added with vegetables like peas, capsicum, mushrooms, olives, onions, green chili and cheese. You can find the complete recipe and preparation method for the delectable bread pizza recipe on and make it from the comfort of your homes. Bread pizza makes a great lunch for school going children or it can be taken as a great snack to make your evening beautiful.

Ingredients for Bread Pizza Recipe

- Bread Slices 2 pieces
- Cheese Slices 2 pieces
- Tomato 2 pieces
- Pizza Sauce 3 tbsp
- Onion half
- Chili Garlic Sauce 2 tbsp
- Red Capsicum half
- Mozzarella Cheese 2 tbsp
- Yellow Capsicum half
- Cheddar Cheese 2 tbsp
- Green Onion 2 tbsp
- Black Pepper Powder 1 tsp
- Black Olive 6 pieces
- Salt as per taste
- Green Coriander 2 tbsp

Cooking Method for Bread Pizza

1- In a bowl, add onion, red capsicum, yellow capsicum, green onion, black olive, green coriander, salt, black pepper powder, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, chili garlic sauce and mix it.
2- Paste pizza sauce on the bread slices.
3- Layer the bread slice with the mixture and keep cheese slice on it.
4- Cook it in the pan for 3 to 4 minutes on low flame.
5- Cover the pan.
6- Your delicious Bread Pizza now ready to serve. Cooking Time: 20 minutes Serve: 2

اجزاء ۔ بریڈ سلائس دو عدد ۔ ٹماٹر دو عدد ۔ پیاز آدھا ۔ لال شملہ مرچ آدھی شملہ مرچ ۔ پیلی شملہ مرچ آدھی شملہ مرچ ۔ ہرا پیاز دو کھا نے کے چمچ ۔ کالا زیتون چھ عدد ۔ ہرا دھنیا دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ ۔ کالی مرچ پسی ہوئی ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔ چیڈر چیز دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔ مزریلہ چیز دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔ چلی گارلک سوس دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔پیزا سوس تین کھانے کے چمچ ۔ چیز سلائس دو عدد ترکیب ۔ایک برتن میں پیاز،لال شملہ مرچ ،پیلی شملہ مرچ ،ہرا پیاز ،کالا زیتون ،ہرا دھنیا ،نمک،کالی مرچ پسی ہوئی ،چیڈر چیز ،مزریلہ چیز اور چلی گارلک سوس ڈال کر ملا لیں۔ ۔بریڈ سلا ئس پر پیزا سوس لگا لیں ۔ ۔تیار شدہ مکسچر کی ایک پَرت بریڈ پر لگا لیں اور چیز سلائس اس پر رکھ دیں ۔ ۔تیار شدہ بریڈ کو پین میں ڈھک کر تین سے چار منٹ تک ہلکی آنچ پر پکا ئیں ۔ آپکا مزیدار بریڈ پیزا تیار ہے ۔ پکانے کا وقت :20 منٹ افراد: 2

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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