

Baked Egg Recipe

Baked Egg Recipe

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Baked eggs Hello, there sooper foodies! Are you in for a tasty and protein filled recipe that will totally change the way you look at your breakfast? And would be as easy as it is delicious and nutritious? Then say hello to the baked eggs recipe by your very own sooperchef. Baked eggs are also known as shirred eggs and most commonly as roasted eggs and eaten as a breakfast food in many parts of the world like Asia, America, Europe and many parts of the Arabian peninsula. there are many other healthy and delectable breakfast recipes that you can make in the swift affairs of the morning that would provide you with lots of energy to carry out your duties throughout the day, some of the most honorable mentions include the regal and flavorsome scotched eggs recipe, the new and innovative omelet two ways recipe, the delectable Spanish omelet recipe and the last but not the least omelet pizza recipe. Eggs are eaten all over the world and considered one of the best and gold standard sources of protein as well as good fats which provide your body with enough energy in the morning to keep your body running efficiently and also promote brain functioning. The baked eggs recipe is one of the recipes that can be relied upon in the morning when quick cooking is concerned as it can easily be prepared in less than 30 minutes so your morning routine would not be disturbed. You can find the complete baked eggs recipe on in Urdu and English language for free.

How to Make Baked Egg


- Egg 1 piece

- Olive Oil 2 tbsp

- Onion half

- Garlic Chopped 4 tbsp

- Tomato 3 tbsp

- Salt as per taste

- Red Chili Crushed 1 tsp

- Sugar 1 tsp

- Green Capsicum 1 piece

- Tomato Ketchup 1 tbsp

- Green Capsicum half

- Yellow Capsicum half

- Red Capsicum half

- Mozzarella Cheese (grated) 25 g

Cooking Method

1- In a cooking pan, add olive oil, onion and sauté it.

2- Now, add garlic, tomato, salt, red chili, green capsicum, yellow capsicum, tomato ketchup, red capsicum and cook it for 3 to 4 minutes.

3- Next, put this mixture in a plate and make place for egg in the middle of this mixture. After that, fill this place with raw egg.

4- Now use mozzarella cheese and green capsicum for garnishing.

5- Oven bake it for 4 to 5 minutes on 150°C.

Your tasty Baked Egg now ready to serve.

Cooking time: 30 minutes

Serve: 1 person

اجزا ء ۔ انڈا ایک عدد ۔ زیتون کا تیل دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔ لہسن چوپ کیا ہوئے چار عدد ۔ لال مرچ کُٹی ہوئی ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔ چینی ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔ ٹماٹو کیچپ ایک کھانے کا چمچ ۔ پیاز آدھا پیاز ۔ ٹماٹر تین عدد ۔ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ ۔ سبز شملہ مر چ ایک عدد ۔ پیلی شملہ مر چ آدھی ۔ لال شملہ مرچ آدھی ۔ مزریلہ چیزکدوکش کی ہوئی 25گرام ترکیب ۔ ایک پین میں زیتون کا تیل لیں اوراس میں پیاز ڈال کر ہلکا سا پکا لیں ۔ ۔ اب اس میں لہسن چوپ کیا ہوا ،ٹماٹر ،نمک،لال مرچ ،چینی ،سبز شملہ مر چ ،ٹماٹو کیچپ ،پیلی شملہ مرچ اور لال شملہ مر چ ڈال کر تین سے چار منٹ تک پکا ئیں۔ ۔ اب اس تیار کیے ہوئے مصالحہ کو ایک برتن میں ڈال لیں اور درمیان میں انڈا رکھنے کی جگہ بنا لیں اب اس میں کچا انڈا ڈال دیں ۔ ۔ اب اس پر مزریلہ چیز اور سبز شملہ مرچ کو بطور گارنش استعمال کرلیں۔ ۔ چار سے پانچ منٹ تک 150ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پر اوون بیک کر لیں ۔ پکا نے کا وقت : 30منٹ افراد : ایک

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