


Experience Worldwide Delicious Continental Food Recipes by

If you're looking for inspiration to cook delicious Continental food - we've got the most mouthwatering collection Continental cooking recipes for you! From Pan Fried Fish and Finger Fish to Stuffed Onion Rings and Chicken Nuggets, we’ve got all the Continental inspiration you could possibly need.The term Continental cuisine refers to the type of food eaten in the European countries. Under the name of Continental comes UK, American, Armenian, Italian, New Zealand, Russia and many other European dishes.Continental food recipes include less spices and chilies. Instead dairy products and fresh herbs are included in the cuisines.The cooking method utilized in making is mostly grilling, roasting and stewing which make the meal low in calories and the use of carbs is very less in continental cuisines. The type of meals are prepared with cheese, milk, eggs and meats.

Classification of Continental Cuisine

American – American cuisine can be classified into many regions: South-American cuisine, North-American cuisine and Latin-American cuisine. American meals have a rich and diversified style of cooking.Italian – Italian cuisine is considered one of the most famous for its variety of dishes suitable for every season and occasion. What makes Italian food the best is that it varies from region to region. It is one of the tastiest cuisines of the world.British – British food depicts the food culture of England. British continental food distinguished among other with ‘Full Breakfast’. Breads, cheese, pies, hamburger, coffee, tea, pastries and jam are part of some of the main food items served in the United Kingdom.

Cooking Methods for Continental Food

Roasting – Roasting is used to make roasted continental dishes. In this method vegetables and meat is roasted in grill or an oven.Baking – This type of cooking method is mainly used to make pies, pastries, cakes, etc. In this process dish is baked in an oven by providing it dry heat to bake.Grilling – Food items like fish, lamb, beef, vegetables are majorly made by this method to serve continental cuisine.Stewing – It is a unique process of boiling vegetables and meats with ingredients and cooking it in a slow cooker. It is a long cooking process, but most of the continental dishes are made under this method.

Ingredients Used in Continental Cuisines

Continental dishes contain minimum amount of spices and are cooked with less chilies. Fresh herbs are used in cooking recipes. Fresh dairy products are considered as an important part of cooking continental dishes. Cold meats, pastries, jam, bread, butter, cheese, etc. are some of the important served breakfast items used in making Continental cuisine.

Health Benefits of Continental Food

Continental dishes are made mostly by roasting, stewing and grilling method and these cuisines are low in calories, as fats and carbs are not included as a part of Continental foods. This type of food is rich in high protein items like meats, vegetables and eggs. Seafood included as a part of Continental dishes is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and it is considered as one of the main food items in continental meals.Pakistani Recipes | Chinese Recipes | Sweets & Desserst Recipes | Continental Recipes | Ramadan Recipes | Iftar Recipes | Eid ul Adha Recipes | Indian recipes | Mother's Day Recipes