Humans Can Actually Live Without These Organs, A Jaw Dropping Read
Have you ever wondered that some of the organs in our body are considered to be useless and one can live without having them in the human body? But, these organs surely seem to make our life pretty easier, but, in fact, our body can still do proper functionality without having them in our bodies. There are some of the amazing facts about the natural healing of human organs and it would be worth it thing to read right now.
BetterRead has compiled a list of such organs that a human can actually live without, it is a worth it read. Let us have a look at the list of such useless organs that are present in our human body.One lung
One lung is sufficient for a proper functioning of breathing, but the other lung can easily be removed from the body for the treatment of lung cancer, tuberculosis and other diseases related to lungs. Breathing is relatively harder with one lung but still it possible to survive and breath with one lung to be removed as patients tends to lost almost 35 percent of the air volume that they exhale in a second, according to the recent study published by the Journal Respiratory Care.
Yes, you read it right, the large intestine present in our body can be eradicated for the treatment of colorectal cancer or a Crohn