


Bread Roll Recipe

Bread Roll Recipe

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Bread Roll Recipe in Urdu & English

If you are willing to prepare a bread roll at home because of all the unhygienic stuff out there in the market that is unreliable and expensive? Then you need to try out the healthy and hearty bread roll recipe by the largest and number one digital food network of the country: yes your very own  There have been some really delicious and healthy recipes on the menu of that you can make at your home with only a click on your smartphone device for free. Some of the top-notch recipes on the menu of sooperchef include the peppery and crispy Katori chaat recipe, the energizing and cool banana and pineapple smoothie recipe, the decisive arch-rival of heat: the mouth-watering Thandai (sardai recipe), the appetizing and scrumptious garlic naan recipe and the very last but not the least: the saucy chicken chili dry recipe. A bread roll is referred to as small, often round bread loaf that is served as a meal accompaniment. It can be eaten with any recipe of choice but traditionally it was eaten with butter or either plain. Rolls can be served and eaten as a whole and they can easily be cut transversely and filled with different types of fillings like cheese, meat, and vegetables between the two halves. Rolls are also widely used to make sandwiches just like they are made with the help of simple slices of bread and are a great part of the cuisine all over the world. Bread and bread rolls have been around since the beginning of time and the first known recipes are found in a description as old as 170 AD. Rolls are especially common in Europe, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Hungary, Norway, Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Austria. Find the complete recipe of the hearty bread roll recipe on

How to make Bread Roll

  • 2 Potatoes (Boiled & meshed)
  • Chicken (Boiled & Shredded)
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 Tsp Black Pepper
  • 1 Tsp Chaat Masala
  • 1/2 Tsp Cumin Powder
  • 1 Tsp White Pepper
  • 1/4 cup Green Onion
  • 1/2 cup Bell Peppers
  • 1/4 cup Peas (Boiled)
  • 1/2 cup Cheddar Cheese
  • 1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
  • Sandwich bread as needed
  • 1/2 cup Green Chatni
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 2 Eggs

Direction for Bread Roll

  1. In a bowl, add Potato, Chicken, salt, black pepper, chaat masala, cumin powder, white pepper , green onion, bell peppers, peas, cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese and mix it well.
  2. Now cut the edges of bread and roll out with the rolling pin
  3. Now place green chatni and spread it on the surface
  4. Now put the some prepared mixture on it
  5. Now drizzle the water on the corner of bread
  6. Now roll out the bread by folding
  7. Option 1: drizzle the melted butter and cook it for a while.
  8. Option 2: dip in into the egg and deep fry in the cooking oil.
your tasty bread roll now ready to serve.

بریڈ رول اجزاء آلو(اُبال کر پیس لیں) 2عدد چکن(اُبال کر ریشے کر لیں ) 1کپ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ کالی مرچ 1 چائے کا چمچ چاٹ مصالحہ 1 چائے کا چمچ زیرہ پاؤڈر آدھا چائے کا چمچ سفید مرچ 1 چائے کا چمچ ہرا پیاز ایک چوتھائی کپ شملہ مرچ(چوپ) ایک چوتھائی کپ مٹر(اُبلے ہوئے) ایک چوتھائی کپ چیڈر چیز(کدو کش کی ہوئی) آدھا کپ مزریلہ چیز(کدو کش کی ہوئی) آدھا کپ سینڈوچ بریڈ حسبِ ضرورت سبز چٹنی آدھا کپ مکھن 2کھانے کا چمچ انڈا 2 عدد

بریڈ رول بنانے کی ترکیب ایک بر تن میں آلو ، چکن، نمک، کالی مرچ، چاٹ مصالحہ، زیرہ پاؤڈر، سفید مرچ، ہرا پیاز، شملہ مرچ، مٹر، چیڈر چیز، مز ریلہ چیز ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں۔ اب بریڈ کے کناروں کو کاٹ لیں اور اس کو بیلن کی مدد سے بیل لیں۔ اب اس پر سبز چٹنی لگا دیں اور اس پر تیار کیا ہوا آلو چکن کا مصالحہ رکھ دیں۔ اب بریڈ کے کناروں پر ہلکا ہلکا پانی لگا کر بریڈ کے رول کر لیں۔ اب ایک پین میں تھوڑا سا مکھن لگا لیں اور بریڈ کو اس پر دو سے تین منٹ پکا لیں۔ یا تیار کی ہوئی بریڈ کو انڈے میں ڈپ کر کے ڈیپ فرائی کر لیں۔ آپکاے مزے دار بریڈ رول تیار ہیں۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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