


Quick & Easy Chana Chat Recipe

Quick & Easy Chana Chat Recipe

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Looking for something tasty, tangy and originally Pakistani? Then you have hit the jackpot as is bringing you the tasty chana chaat recipe that will spice up your evening snack time! This tasty and delightful chaat recipe is made with healthy and light ingredients that will keep you coming back for more serving after serving but won’t make you feel heavy or bloated. There are other snack recipes on that you can have a look at. Some of the honorable mentions are the tasty and innovative stuffed pizza recipe, the easy and simple to make bread samosa recipe, the hot and spicy Mexican tacos recipe and the delectable fried wonton recipe. Chana chaat is a savory snack which is typically served at roadside eateries, food stalls and had carts. It is popular all over the Indian subcontinent: countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Although the origin of chana chaat is said to Uttar Pradesh India, this tasty chaat has gained immense popularity in the rest of South Asia. The word chana chaat is taken from the Hindi Language and it translates to “a delicacy, eaten noisily”. The tasty and tangy chana chaat recipe is prepared with a variety of ingredients which include boiled chickpeas, boiled potatoes that are diced into nicely shaped cubes, onions, green chilies, red pepper, salt, lemon juice and lots and lots of chaat masala. Sometimes tamarind chutney is also poured over the chana chaat to make it even tastier. You can download the complete chana chaat recipe by in Urdu and English language for free.

Ingredients for chana chat:
300 gm boiled Chickpease
300 gm boiled potatoes
1 onion
1 tomato
1 green capsicum
3 green chilies
100 gm Green Coriander
50 gm Mint
100 gm Imli Sauce
Half cup Green Sauce
Salt as needed
½ tbsp Chopped Red Chilies
1 tsp Zera Powder
¼ tbsp Black pepper powder
2 tbsp Chaat Masalah
3 lemons
¼ tbsp ketchup
Directions for chana chaat:
1. In a bowel, add boiled chickpease, boiled potatoes, onions, tomato, green capsicum, green chilies, green coriander, Mint, Imli sauce, Green sauce, Salt, chopped red chilies, Zera powder, white chili powder, chat Masalah, lemon juice, ketchup and mix them all
2. Your Spicy Chana Chat is ready to serve
Preparation Time: 30 Minutes serve: 2 people

اجزاء اُبلے ہوئے چنے تین سو گرام اُبلے ہوئے آلو تین سو گرام پیاز ایک عدد ٹماٹر دو عدد سبز شملہ مرچ ایک عدد سبز مرچ تین عدد سبز دھنیا ایک سو گرام پودینہ ایک گڈی املی چٹنی ایک سو گرام سبز چٹنی آدھا کپ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ لال مرچ کُٹی ہوئی آدھا کھانے کا چمچ زیرہ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ کالی مرچ پاؤڈر ایک چوتھائی کھانے کا چمچ چاٹ مصالحہ دو کھانے کے چمچ لیموں تین عدد کیچپ ایک چوتھائی کھانے کا کپ ترکیب ۔ایک باؤ ل میں اُبلے ہوئے چنے لیں اور اس میں اُبلے ہوئے آلو ،پیاز ،ٹماٹر ،سبز شملہ مر چ ،سبز مر چ سبز دھنیا ،پودینہ ،املی کی چٹنی ،سبز چٹنی ،نمک،لال مرچ کُٹی ہوئی،زیرہ پاؤڈر ،کالی پاؤڈر ،چاٹ مصالحہ ،لیموں کا رس اور کیچپ ڈال کر اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں ۔ ۔آپکی مزیدار چنا چاٹ تیار ہے ۔ بنانے کا وقت: بیس منٹ افراد: دو عدد

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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