


Dynamite Chicken Recipe

Dynamite Chicken Recipe

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Dynamite chicken recipe: Hello there! Foodies and fans of appetizers and snacks recipes, rejoice as the tasty dynamite chicken recipe by the largest and number one ranking food network of Pakistan: is here to tingle your taste buds and make them burst with flavors. Since the advent of back in the year of 2016, there have been some really great recipes that have been added to the roster of and can be accessed for free in both Urdu and English languages. Here are some of the most honorable mentions that you can find on the panel right now, for example, the smoky and flavorsome chicken tikka pulao recipe for all the bbq lovers, the flavorsome and delectable lasagna roll-ups recipe, the protein-packed keema lobia recipe for all the fitness enthusiasts, and the last but not the least the crunchy and crispy keema samosa recipe (Pakistani styled samosa). The aptly named dynamite chicken recipe is basically a starter that is essentially prepared by batter frying chicken chunks. The chicken chunks used for the purpose are taken clean off the bone and tempered with mustard seeds, curry leaves, and chili flakes. Furthermore, they are coated with a thick glaze sauce that provides it with the bursting flavor, after which the recipe is given the name of the chicken “dynamite”. Traditionally, the chicken meat for the preparation is marinated with a batter that has all the general spices used for seasoning, eggs, and flour of rice, all-purpose flour, and corn flour to provide the recipe with the signature crisp and crunchiness. Tempering the chicken is also very necessary to provide the recipe with the distinctive and wonderful aroma of the recipe. The sauce for the seasoning is traditionally prepared with mayonnaise, honey, and sweet chili sauce mixed with red chili powder. Find the complete dynamite chicken recipe by in Urdu and English on our website for free.

How to make Dynamite Chicken Recipe

Ingredients for Chicken :
1/2 KG Chicken (Boneless)
Salt (As Needed for the taste)
1/2 Tsp Ginger (Chopped)
1 Tsp paprika Powder
1 Tbsp Soy Sauce

Ingredients for Dynamite Sauce:
3/4 Cup Mayonnaise
2 Tsp Lemon Juice
5 Tbsp Siracha Sauce
1 Tsp Honey

Ingredients for Maida Mixture:
1/2 Cup All purpose Flour
1/4 cup corn flour
1 Tsp Black pepper powder
1 Tsp Salt

Ingredients for Chicken Dynamite:
Prepared Maida Mixture (As needed)
2 Eggs (Well Beaten)
Cooking oil (As Needed for frying)
Green Lettuce (As Needed)
Spring Onions (As Needed for Garnishing)

Directions for Chicken :
1. First of all wash the chicken pieces, let them some dry in a bowl then check with the help of tissue paper
2. Add salt, ginger, paprika powder, soy sauce, mirinate for 30 minutes & set aside
3. Chicken is ready for making chicken dynamite

Directions for Dynamite Sauce:
1. Take a bowl, then add mayonnaise, lemon juice, siracha sauce, honey, in this bowl & mix well
2. Dynamite sauce is ready

Directions for Maida Mixture:
1. Add Maida, corn flour, black pepper powder, salt together in a wide shape bowl & mix well
2. Maida mixture is ready for coating

Directions for Chicken Dynamite:
1. Dip the chicken (which is already prepared) into maida mixture, then dip it into well beaten egg mixture then again complete the coating with help of maida mixture
2. Fry these chicken pieces into hot oil untill they completely fried & changed into light golden brown
3. Put these fried chicken pieces into bowl & pour dynamite sauce on these fried chicken pieces, mix well
4. Chicken dynamite is ready to serve, keep green lettuce (Salad leaves) in a cup shaped bowl then spread the green onions & serve

اجزاء چکن(بونلیس) آدھا کلو نمک حسبِ ضرورت ادرک (چوپ) آدھا چائے کا چمچ پیپریکا پاؤڈر 1 چائے کا چمچ سویا سوس 1 کھانے کا چمچ میدہ آدھا کپ کارن فلور ایک چوتھائی کپ کالی مرچ پاؤڈر 1چائے کا چمچ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ انڈا 2عدد ہرا پیاز گارنش ڈائینا مائیٹ سوس کے اجزاء مایونیز تین چوتھائی کپ لیموں کا رس 2 کھانے کا چمچ سراچا سوس 5 کھانے کے چمچ شہد 1چائے کا چمچ

ایک برتن میں چکن(دھو کر خشک کر لیں) لیں اس میں نمک، ادرک، پیپریکا پاؤڈر، سوسا سوس ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں۔ اب اس کو تیس منٹ تک فریج میں رکھ دیں۔

ڈائینا مائیٹ سوس بنانے کی ترکیب:
ایک برتن میں مایونیز لیں اس میں لیموں کا رس، سرارچا سوس، شہد ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں ۔سوس تیار ہے۔
اب ایک برتن میں میدہ لیں اس میں کارن فلور،نمک، کالی مرچ ڈال ملا دیں اور ایک برتن میں انڈا لیں ۔
اب تیار کیے ہوئے چکن کو پہلے میدہ میں اچھی طرح لگا لیں پھر انڈا لگا لیں یس عمل دو بار کریں اور فرائی کر لیں۔
فرائی کر کے ایک برتن میں نکال لیں اور اس میں تیار کی ہوئی سوس ڈال دیں اور اچھی طرح ملا لیں۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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