


Fish balls Recipe | How to make Fish Ball

Fish balls Recipe | How to make Fish Ball

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Fish balls recipe in Urdu & English

If you are one of the folks who love to try new and tasty Chinese recipes then is the right choice for you, as we are bringing the tasty Fish balls with nuts recipe to your smartphone! Many other tasty and healthy seafood recipes can be found on the SooperChef menu like the crispy pomfret fish fry, the crumbly potato and fish kabab recipe, the mouth watering batter fried fish with French fries recipe and the flavorsome pan fried fish with lemon sauce recipe.Fish balls are a Chinese recipe which is popular in Hong Kong, Southern China, Macau and also eaten by overseas Chinese communities living overseas. Apart from their popularity in Asian countries like Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, they are also eaten in Nordic Countries like Iceland, Finland and Greenland etc. The original Fish balls recipe is made with a special “fish paste”, known as pinyin in local Chinese language. The fish meat used for the preparation process is usually from the cod or haddock species. Fishballs can be served in a variety of ways: they can be served in a soupy broth or they can be deep fried in cooking oil. Mainly there are two types of Fishballs, each with a very own texture, preparation process and the primary regions of production: the East Asian Fish balls made mainly by grounded fish meat and the Scandinavian fish balls which involve the use of pureed fish. You can learn the art of preparing the tasty Fishballs with nuts recipe from in Urdu and English language for free.

500g Fish
1 Egg
1 tbsp White Chili Powder
As per taste Salt
1 Green Capsicum
Half Carrot
10g Black Olive
5g Almond
5g Pistachio
5g Parsley
3 tbsp Olive Oil
2 Green Chili
Half cup Corn Flour
Half Cup Maida
1 cup Breadcrumb
Cooking Method
1. Grind the fish
2. Now, add egg, white chili powder, salt, green capsicum, carrot, black olive, almond, pistachio, parsley, olive oil, green chili and mix them
3. Now, add corn flour, maida and mix them. The mixture is ready
4. Make balls from the mixture
5. Now, dip these balls in corn flour, egg then covers with breadcrumb
6. Now, deep fry these balls in cooking oil

Your tasty Fish Ball now ready to serve

Cooking Time: 30 minutes
Serve: 4

اجزا ء مچھلی پانچ سو گرام انڈا ایک عدد سفید مرچ پاؤڈر ایک کھانے کا چمچ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ سبز شملہ مرچ ایک عدد گاجر آدھی کالا زیتون دس گرام بادام پانچ گرام پستہ پانچ گرام پارسلے پانچ گرام زیتون کا تیل تین کھانے کے چمچ سبز مرچ دو عدد کارن فلور آدھا کپ میدہ آدھا کپ بریڈ کر م ایک کپ ترکیب ۔ایک گرائینڈر میں مچھلی ڈال کر اورگرائینڈ کر لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں انڈ ا،سفید مرچ پاؤڈر ،نمک،سبز شملہ مرچ ،گاجر ،کالا زیتون ،بادام ،پستہ ،پارسلے ،زیتون کا تیل اور سبز مرچ ڈا ل کر مکس کر لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں کارن فلور اورمیدرہ ڈال کر مکس کرلیں ۔ ۔اب تیار کیے ہوئے مکسچر کی بالز بنا لیں ۔ ۔اب بالز کو کارن فلور اور انڈے میں ڈپ کر کے بریڈ کر م لگا لیں ۔ ۔اب تیار کی ہوئی بالز کو کھانے کے تیل لیں ڈال کر ڈیپ فرائی کر لیں ۔ آپکی مزیدار فش بالز تیار ہیں ۔ پکا نے کا وقت: تیس منٹ افراد: چار عدد

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