


Imli Aloo Bukhara Sharbat

Imli Aloo Bukhara Sharbat

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Imli Aloo Bukhara Sharbat Recipe in Urdu & English

Summers in Pakistan are mostly very hot and arid. Temperatures soar high and heat is almost too much to bear. In conditions like these, everyone cannot enjoy the luxury of an Ac or a swimming pool. What they can avail is a variety of drinks that can help cool the body down and provide instant refreshment. There’s a list of heat-killing drinks like lassi, sattu, Sherbet-e-badam (almond based drink), lemonade and Watermelon juice. But one drink tops them all, say hello to the Imli Aloo Bukhara Sharbat. It is made out of dried plums and tamarind which are kept in water overnight and then mixed with water and sugar to make this savory-tangy drink. Apart from the cooling effect, it has many health benefits too like keeping the blood pressure in control and it provide you with an instant boost of energy. Follow to download the complete recipe and preparation in Urdu details. Check more Pakistani Recipes and scrumptious cuisines at Sooper Chef.

How to make Imli Aloo Bukhara Ka Sharbat


- Prune 100g

- Tamarind 100g

- Water 2 cups

- Sugar half cup

- Salt as per taste
Step-By-Step Direction

1- Firstly, soak Prune and Tamarind into the water and put aside for a night.

2- After that, strain them and extract the seeds from them.

3- In a cooking pot, add strained water, sugar, salt, pulp of Prune & Tamarind and cook for 10-15 minutes.

4- Now, strain it with Muslin cloth and cool it.
Your tasty now ready to serve

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Serve: 3-5

اجزاء آلو بخارہ 100گرام اِملی 100گرا م چینی آدھا کپ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ پانی دو کپ ترکیب ۔آلو بخارہ اور املی کو پانی میں بِھگو لیں اور ایک رات کے لیے رکھ دیں ۔ ۔اب ان کو چھان کر گُٹھلیاں نکال لیں ۔ ۔چھان کے رکھے ہوئے پانی میں چینی ،نمک اور اِملی آلو بخارے کا گُدہ ڈال کر دس سے پندرہ منٹ تک پکائیں ۔ ۔اب اسے ململ کے کپڑے سے چھا ن کر ٹھنڈا کر لیں ۔ ۔آپکا مزیدار اِملی آلو بخارے کا شربت تیار ہے ۔ پکانے کا وقت : تیس منٹ افراد : تین سے پانچ

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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