


Jau Ka Sattu

Jau Ka Sattu

Research Content

Sattu Recipe in Urdu & English

jau ka Sattu is one of the most popular and well-admired traditional Pakistani drinks of all time. Especially during summer season, when the weather is arid and irresistibly hot, the body endeavors to keep itself hydrated and strain free but it’s easier said than done in the dreadful summer heat. That is when the Sattu comes in handy. Sattu is a mix of ground barley while some variants are also prepared with grinding roasted grams. This savory drink is prepared in water and mixed with jaggery and has high nutritional values as well as cooling tendencies which help ease the body and mind in the heat of June and July. This drink is pretty ancient and its preparation method is traditionally from the Indian Subcontinent. There are many other drinks to beat to heat like Sharbat e Badam, Mango MojitoImli Aloo Bukhara Sharbat, Pina Colada and Watermelon juice but there’s nothing that can beat the savory taste of sattu. Follow Sooper Chef to download the complete recipe and preparation method in Urdu.

Ingredients for Jau ka Sattu
500 gm Barley
2 Liter Water
250 gm Jaggery Powder
Black Salt (As Needed)
Instructions for Jau Ka Sattu
1- in a cooking pan, add barley and roast it.
2- now grind and strain it.
3- in a jug add water, jaggery powder or sugar and mix it well.
4- Now, add black salt, grinded barley and mix it well.
5- your Jau Ka Sattu now ready to serve.

Preparation time: 30 minutes

Serve: 3 persons

جو کاستّو اجزا ء جو پانچ سو گرام پانی دو لیٹر شکّر ڈھائی سو گرام کالا نمک حسبِ ذائقہ جو کاستّو ترکیب ۔ایک پین میں جوڈال کر بھُون لیں ۔ ۔اب بھُنے ہوئے جو کو گرائینڈر میں ڈال کر پیس لیں اور اسے چھان لیں ۔ ۔اب ایک برتن میں پانی لیں اس میں شکّر ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں کالا نمک اور گرائینڈ کیا ہوا جو ڈ ال کر ملا لیں ۔ ٹھنڈاکر کے پیش کریں ۔ آپکا مزیدار جو کاستّو تیار ہے ۔ تیاری کا وقت : 30 منٹ افراد : تین

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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