


Meethi Tikkiyan Recipe

Meethi Tikkiyan Recipe

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Meethi Tikki Recipe by Sooperchef

The meethi Tikki recipe from the largest and number one online food network of Pakistan will take you down the memory lane as it will remind you of your childhood, where at every shab-e-barat and other religious occasions like it your mother would make this tasty and delicious sweet for you. There is a great deal of joy for you if you are one of the folks who love sweets and desserts as on, there are numerous recipes that you can find for free. Some of the most honorable mentions that you need to try at least once include the delectable and luscious chocolate custard tart recipe, shahi tukray the chocolaty no-bake chocolate biscuit cake recipe, the saccharine and tangy strawberry two ways recipe, mango kulfi the soft and mushy chocolate chip muffins recipe and the delightfully colorful rainbow cookies recipe. The recipe meethi tikka gets its name as a combination of two words from the national language of Pakistan: Urdu. It consists of meethi meaning sweet and Tikki referring to a small cake or sweet fried cutlet made out of a batter. There are many variants of the meethi Tikki recipe, as some people like to make them small: bite-sized pieces or they can also be made into larger ones, some people like to keep em soft and while others like to make them soft on the inside with a bit crunchier and crispier texture on the outside. Most of the time they are golden brown in color and are synonymous with certain types of Islamic commemorations and festivals in all of South Asia and the Indian subcontinent, especially in Pakistan and India, they are treated like a delicacy. The general preparation involves flour being mixed with ingredients like milk powder, crushed coconut, almonds, and milk, mixed to make a thick dough that is cut into shapes of choice. Sugar is used for sweetening purposes and vegetable oil is used for frying. Find the complete meethi Tikki recipe on in Urdu and English for free.

How to make Meethi Tikkiyan

Ingredients of Meethi Tikkiyan:
2 cup Maida
½ cup semolina
1 cup Sugar
½ cup coconut
½ cup Desi Ghee
1 tsp cardamom powder
Warm Milk (As Needed)
Sesame Seeds (As Needed)
Cooking oil (As Needed)

Instructions for Meethi Tikkiyan:
1. First of all, take a bowl then add all purpose flour, semolina, coconut, sugar, Desi ghee, cardamom powder in this bowl, & mix well with the help of your hands
2. Add Milk gradually & kneed a dough
3. Then press it and make it like a round chapati, then spread the sesame seeds at this chapati
4. Now make small round tikkyan from this chapatti with the help of a small round shaped frame
5. Add cooking oil in a pan, add round Tikki’s (which we have prepared above) & fry at the medium high heat, until they changed into brown
6. Mithi Tikkyan are ready to serve

اجزاء میدہ 2 کپ سوجی آدھا کپ چینی 1 کپ کھوپرا آدھا کپ دیسی گھی آدھا کپ ایلایچی پاؤڈر 1چائے کا چمچ دودھ حسبِ ضرورت تل حسبِ ضرورت کھانے کا تیل حسبِ ضرورت

  • ترکیب
  • ایک برتن میں میدہ ،سوجی، کھوپرا، چینی، دیسی گھی، یلایچی کا پاؤڈر ڈال کر اچھی طرح ملا لیں۔
  • اب اس میں دودھ ڈال کر گوند لیں۔
  • اب اس کے پیڑے بنا لیں اور ان پیڑوں کو بیل لیں۔
  • اب ان پرحسبِ ضرورت تل لگا لیں۔
  • اب اس کو گول چھوٹی ٹکیاں کی شکل میں کاٹ لیں۔
  • اب ان کو درمیانی آنچ پر گولڈن براؤن ہونے تک فرائی کر لیں۔
  • آپکی مزے دار میٹھی ٹکیاں تیار ہیں۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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