


Mutton Ginger Recipe

Mutton Ginger Recipe

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Mutton Ginger Recipe By Sooperchef

Hello and salutations to all the fans of the largest online food and cooking portal of Pakistan which is presenting the delectable mutton ginger recipe to all of its fans. This is surely the recipe for all the sooper foodies out there who love the taste of meat especially mutton. There is a huge range of meat recipes and curries that you can prepare and enjoy with your friends and family from the comfort of your own homes by logging on to Some of the most top-notch recipes on the menu that can be accessed for free right now include the tasty and fluffy mutton gushtaba recipe, the soft and mushy mutton moti pulao recipe, the delectable and hearty mutton pulao recipe, the creamy mutton Nihari recipe, the smoky and flavorsome mutton champ roasts recipe and the last but not the least: the tasty mutton stew recipe. Mutton is one of the most eaten meats in the world and the western world mostly refers to mutton as meat from a sheep however in the Indian subcontinent, the term mutton is used to describe meat from a goat. In the world, there are three types of meat eaten that fall into the category which include: lamb, hogget, and mutton. Lamb is the most expensive of the three and evidently the most flavorsome which is why it is preferred in many Indian recipes, Pakistani and other cuisines elsewhere in the world. Goat meat from adult goats is known as chevon and kid when it is taken from a young or juvenile animal. In general, parts of the Asian subcontinent, mainly countries like India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, where this meat is eaten widely: the word mutton is used to describe both sheep and goat meat. You can download the delicious mutton ginger eid recipes from in Urdu and English for free.

How to make Mutton Ginger

Ingredients for Mutton Ginger: ½ kg Mutton 1 cup Onions (Chopped)
3 Tomatoes (Chopped)
½ cup Yogurt
½ Tbsp Garlic (Chopped)
½ Tbsp Ginger (Chopped)
Salt as per taste
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1 Tsp Crushed Red Chili
1 Tsp Black Pepper powder
1 Tbsp Papaya
1 cup Water
¼ Tsp Mace Powder
½ Tsp Hot Spices Powder
½ Tsp Cardamom Seeds

Instructions for Mutton Ginger: 1. In a bowl, add Mutton, onions, tomatoes, yogurt, Garlic, ginger, salt, lemon juice, crushed red chili, black pepper powder, papaya then mix well & refrigerate for 2 hours
2. Then add this mixture in a cooking pan & cook until dry
3. Add water, cook again until it dry. Cook again for 2-3 minutes
4. Add cooking oil & fry for a while by adding mace powder, hot spices powder, cardamom seeds. Complete the garnishing process by adding chopped ginger, & green chilies
5. Chicken Ginger is ready to serve

اجزاء مٹن آدھا کلو پیاز 1کپ ٹماٹر 3 دہی آدھا کپ لہسن(چوپ) آدھا کھانے کا چمچ ادرک(چوپ) آدھا کھانے کا چمچ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ لیموں کا رس 1 کھانے کا چمچ کُٹی لال مرچ 1چائے کا چمچ کالی مرچ پاؤڈر 1چائے کا چمچ پپیتہ 1کھانے کا چمچ پانی 1 کپ جاوتری پاؤڈر ایک چوتھائی چائے کا چمچ گرم مصالحہ پاؤڈر آدھا چائے کا چمچ ایلایچی پاؤڈر آدھا چائے کا چمچ

مٹن جنجر کی ترکیب ایک برتن میں گوشت لیں اس میں پیاز، ٹماٹر، ڈہی،نمک، لیموں کا رس، کُٹی لال مرچ، کالی مرچ پاؤڈر، پپیتہ ڈال کر اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں۔ اب اس کو دو گھنٹے کے لیے فریج میں رکھ دیں۔ اب ایک برتن میں کھانے کا تیل ڈال کر مصالحہ لگے گوشت کو ڈال کر خشک ہونے تک دم دیں۔ اب اس میں پانی ڈال کر پانی خشک ہونے تک پکا لیں۔ اب اس میں کھانے کا تیل ، گرم مصالحہ، جاوتری پاؤڈر، ایلایچی پاؤڈر ڈال کر تھوڑی دیر کے لیے پکا لیں۔ ادرک اور ہری مرچ کی گارنش کر لیں۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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