


Pineapple Walnut Delight

Pineapple Walnut Delight

Research Content

Pineapple Walnut Delight Pineapple walnut delight recipe is a layered and gel-based sweet which is served as dessert and it is the best dessert for foodies with a sweet-tooth for walnuts. There are many other delicious dessert recipes on the menu like sheer Khurma, and the amazing lab-e-sheerin, and the yummy rainbow cake, do not for get about Mutanjan, & the yummy jubilee mousse cake , another amazing mango firni, and yummy ras malai, then fruit trifle and shahi tukra. The walnut delight recipe has a Persian origin but the modern types of delight originate from Turkey and have said to be prepared in the Royal Kitchens of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman confectionary was generally sweetened with honey or molasses with flour and water used as binding agents. Now it has gained popularity all over the world and is famous all over Britain, United States of America, Middle East, Greece, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Brazil and Asia. In Saudi Arabian territories, it is called “rahat” or “rahat kolum”. The premium varieties of this dessert have an uppermost layer or icing of dried fruit or nuts like cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, and almonds. The most commonly eaten flavors of this dessert are rosewater, orange, lemon, and mastic. The confection is also packed in small packing in which a cube-shaped piece is packed after a little dusting of icing sugar to avoid clinging. If you want to get your hands sticky with this beautifully decorated and delicious dessert recipe then follow where you can follow the complete recipe and preparation method along with a complete step by step two minute video guide that will guide you to perfection.

2 tbsp Butter
2 packets Marie Biscuit (crushed)
1 tin pack Pineapple (cube cutting)
250 gm Walnut Crushed
200 gm Condensed Milk
50 gm Chocolate Chip
200 ml Cream
Strawberry Cube for garnishing


1. put the biscuits in a plastic bag then crush them well
2. Spread the butter on whole tray.
3. Now spread the marie biscuit on it.
4. After that add pineapple, walnut, condensed milk, chocolate chip, cream and walnut step by step.
5. Use strawberry for garnishing.
5. Keep in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Your tasty Pineapple Walnut Delight now ready to serve.

Cooking time: 30 minutes
Serve: 3 persons

پائن ایپل والنٹ ڈیلائٹ اجزاء ۔ مکھن دو کھانے کے چمچ ۔ میری بسکٹ دو پیکٹ ۔ اخروٹ کُٹا ہوا 250گرام ۔ (کنڈینسڈ)ملک 200گرام ۔ پائن ایپل (چھوٹے کیوب) ایک ٹِن پیک ۔ چوکلیٹ چپ 50گرام ۔ کریم 200ملی لیٹر ۔ اسٹرابیری کیوب بطور گارنش پائن ایپل والنٹ ڈیلائٹ ترکیب ۔ ایک ٹرے میں مکھن لگائیں اور اس میں میری بسکٹ ،پائن ایپل ،اخروٹ کُٹا ہوا ، کنڈینسڈ ملک ،پائن ایپل، چوکلیٹ چِپ،کریم اور اخروٹ کو اس ترتیب کے ساتھ ڈا ل لیں ۔ ۔ اب اسٹرابیری کو بطور گارنش استعمال کریں۔ ۔ اب ٹرے کو پندرہ سے بیس منٹ تک فریج میں رکھ دیں ۔ آپکی مزیدارپائن ایپل والنٹ ڈیلائٹ تیار ہے ۔ پکانے کا وقت : 30 منٹ افراد: 3عدد

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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