


Spanish Omelette

Spanish Omelette

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Spanish Omelette Recipe

Eggs are a staple for breakfasts in most parts of the world and there’s no better way to have some eggs than in the form of a tasty omelet. Spanish omelet is one of the omelets that have gained much popularity in the world. This delectable recipe is eaten in many northern South American territories especially in the areas of Rio De La Plata. The first references of the Spanish omelet are said to date as back as the year 1817 where it first appeared in the “Mousehole’s Memorial”. Spanish omelet is basically the English name of a cuisine with a Spanish origin, known locally as tortilla de papas. This omelet is different from omelets eaten in other parts of the world as it has a diminutive form of a “torta”(cake) which distinguishes it from the plain omelets like the French omelet. The main ingredients used in the preparation of this omelet are potatoes, eggs, olives, chives, and garlic but other ingredients such as tuna, shrimp, sliced sausages, and mushrooms can also be added. Other essentials like white pepper powder, tomato, and green capsicum are also added prior to the process of frying. It is mostly fried in olive oil as it brings out the most of its flavor. Log on to Sooperchef find out the complete recipe and preparing method in Urdu and discover many more delicious cooking recipes prepared by our  chef.


- ½ cup Olive Oil

- 1 Potato (Slice Cutting)

- 1 Onion (Slice Cutting)

- 6 Eggs

- ½ Green Capsicum (Julienne Cut)

- 2 Tomato (Julienne Cut)

- Salt as per taste

- 1 tbsp White Pepper Powder

Cooking Method

1- In a cooking pan, add olive oil, potato, onion any fry until light brown.

2- In a bowl, add eggs, fried onion and potatoes, green capsicum, tomato, salt, white pepper powder and mix it well.

3- In a cooking pan, add olive oil, egg mixture and fry until golden brown.

Your tasty Spanish omelette now ready to serve.

Cooking time: 25 minutes

Serve: 1

اجزاء آدھا کپ زیتون کا تیل ایک عدد آلو سلائس کٹنگ ایک عدد پیاز سلائس کٹنگ چھ عدد انڈے آدھی سبز شملہ مرچ جولین کٹنگ دو عدد ٹماٹرجولین کٹنگ نمک حسبِ ذائقہ ایک چا ئے کاچمچ سفید مرچ پاؤڈر ترکیب ۔ایک پین میں زیتون کا تیل لیں اور اس میں آلو اور پیاز ڈال کر لائٹ براؤن کر لیں ۔ ۔اب انڈے لیں اور اس میں تیار کیے ہوئے آلو اور پیاز ڈ ال ،سبز شملہ مرچ،ٹماٹر ،نمک اورسفید مرچ پاؤڈر ڈال کر مکس کر لیں اور گولڈن براؤن ہونے تک فرائی کر لیں ۔ آپکا مزیدار سپینش آملیٹ تیار ہے ۔ پکا نے کا وقت: پچیس منٹ افراد : ایک

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
I am very glad to find your website. Thank you Read More
03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
Very easy recipe, tastes amazing. Thanks!????? Read More