


Stuffed Chicken Breast

Stuffed Chicken Breast

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Chicken Stuffed Breast Recipe in Urdu & English

Chicken is one of the most used meats in Pakistani recipes and SooperChef is proud to bring you another tasty chicken recipe known as the chicken stuffed breast. There is a huge range of tasty chicken recipes that you can find on the menu like chicken schnitzel, chicken malai boti, chicken cheese corn samosa, chicken manchurian, chicken loaf and the delectable chicken chapli kabab. Stuffing is a cooking process/method in which a mixture of foods like vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, chilies, capsicum, green onion, olives, green coriander, and oregano are often assorted with starch to fill another food item prior to the cooking process. Stuffing is also known as filling or dressing and is a common cooking practice in countries like Europe and America, especially on the occasion of thanks giving when the delicious stuffed turkey is prepared as a traditional recipe. The turkey stuffing is often composed of dried bread or corn bread in the form of cubes or breadcrumbs and other than that sausage meat, celery, salt, pepper, spices, and herbs along with savory sauces are also added to the mix. In the poultry seasoning processes, giblets are often used. In the United Kingdom, dry fruits and nuts like walnuts, pine nuts, salted pistachios, apricots and flaked almonds are also used for dressing purposes. If you want to learn the art of dressing and prepare your very own chicken stuffed breast recipe at home then log onto Sooperchef where you can find the complete recipe of chicken stuffed breast in Urdu and English language.


- 3 Chicken Breast

- 2 Carrots

- 1 Onion

- 4 cloves Garlic

- 5g Green Onion

- As per taste Salt

- 1 tbsp Black Pepper Powder

- 2 Eggs

- 3 tbsp Mozzarella Cheese

- 3 tbsp Cheddar Cheese

- ½ tsp Oregano

- 3 tbsp Mayonnaise

- Half cup Bread Crumbs

- 25g Mix Cheese

- 5g Green Coriander

Cooking Method:

1- In a bowl, add carrots, onion, garlic, green onion, salt, black pepper powder, eggs, bread crumbs, mozzarella
- cheese, cheddar cheese, oregano and mix them well.

2- Now, cut on the chicken breast vertically and flatten the chicken

3- Now, add mixture on the chicken and roll it

4- Now, in another bowl, add mayonnaise, bread crumbs, mix cheese and mix them well then do topping on the roll

5- Now, oven bake for 30 minutes at 180°C

Your tasty Stuff Chicken Breast now ready to serve

Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Serve: 2

اجزاء چکن بریسٹ تین عدد پیاز ایک عدد گاجر دو عدد لہسن چار جّوے سبز پیاز پانچ گرام نمک حسبِ ذائقہ کالی مرچ پاؤڈر ایک کھانے کا چمچ انڈے دو عدد موزریلہ چیز تین کھانے کے چمچ چیڈر چیز تین کھانے کے چمچ اوریگانو آدھا چائے کا چمچ مایو نیز تین کھانے کے چمچ بریڈ کر م آدھا کپ مکس چیز پچیس گرام سبز دھنیا پانچ گرام ترکیب ۔ایک باؤل میں گاجر لیں اوراس میں پیاز ،لہسن ،سبز پیاز ،نمک،کالی مرچ پاؤڈر ،انڈے ،بریڈکرم ،موزریلہ چیز ،اوریگانو اورچیڈر چیز ڈال کر اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں ۔ ۔اب چکن بریسٹ لیں اور اس پر لمبائی کے رُخ ہلکا سا کٹ لگائیں اور ہلکا سا بیلنے کی مدد سے پتلا کر لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں تیار کیا ہوا مکسچر ڈال کر رول کر لیں ۔ ۔اب ایک باؤل میں مایو نیز ،بریڈ کر م، مکس چیز ڈال کر اچھی طرح مکس کر لیں اور تیار کیے ہوئے رول پر ٹوپنگ کر لیں ۔ ۔اب 180ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ پر تیس منٹ تک اوون بیک کر لیں ۔ آپکا مزیدار سٹف چکن بریسٹ تیا رہے ۔ پکانے کا وقت: تیس منٹ افراد: دو عدد

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
I am very glad to find your website. Thank you Read More