


Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings Recipe

Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings Recipe

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Sweet & Sour Chicken Wings Recipe in Urdu and English

If you are a chicken lover then the largest and number one online food and cooking network of Pakistan: is the right place for you because it has the tasty sweet & sour chicken wings recipe for you to prepare at your own home! This delectable chicken recipe is a pretty famous one and eaten all over the world with great delight. Since sooperchef started posting new and tasty recipes every day a year ago, there have been some really drool worthy and awesome recipes on its menu. Some of the most honorable mentions on the panel right now include the tasty and healthy homemade pita bread and pita pockets recipe, the delectable and crunchy Arabian rice (KFC style) recipe, the saucy and flavorsome potato toffee (aloo bites recipe) and the protein-laden mutton ginger recipe and the last but not the least the cool and creamy Badami and strawberry kulfi recipe. Chicken is the most common form of poultry eaten all over the world, because of the relative ease and low cost for raising in comparison to other livestock animals such as cattle or goats. Almost all parts of the chicken are edible like the upper chest regions of the breast that are white meat and usually dry. The lower parts of the chicken such as the leg known as the drumsticks and thigh are considered as dark meat as they are redder in color. Chicken wings are mostly treated as snacks or bar food and not counted mainly as the main course meal but they are one of the most eaten parts of the chicken meat nowadays, owing to their great taste and juicy texture. The two bones inside the chicken wing can be easily disposed of and the meat is highly nutritious just like the rest of the body of the animal. You can find the complete sweet and sour chicken wings recipe in Urdu and English for free on  

How to make Sweet & Sour Chicken Wings

425g K&Ns Combo Wings
As per Taste Salt
1 tsp Freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp Cooking Oil
1 onion
1 carrot
2 bell peppers, sliced
¼ cup apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. soy sauce
¼ cup honey
¼ cup ketchup
1 Tbsp garlic, minced
1 Tbsp brown sugar
¼ cup water
Cooked white rice, for serving

Directions for Sweet and Sour Chicken Wings
Prepare the K&Ns’s combo wings as per the instructions on the pack
Heat cooking oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, carrot, bell peppers, salt, black pepper and sauté a little then set aside.
In a pan whisk together soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, ketchup, honey, garlic, brown sugar and cook it for 1-2 minutes by adding water. Now add sauté vegetables into the pan. Simmer
together for 1-2 minutes
Add the prepared K&N’s Combo wings and cook for 2-3 mins until the sauce has thickened slightly.
Serve warm with rice.

اجزاء 425 گرام K&Ns Combo Wings نمک حسبِ ضرورت کالی مرچ کُٹی ہوئی 1 چائے کا چمچ کھانے کا تیل 2 کھانے کا چمچ پیاز 1 عدد گاجر 1 عدد شملہ مرچ(سلائس) 2عدد سیب کا سرکہ ایک چوتھائی کپ سویا سوس 1کھانے کا چمچ کیچپ ایک چوتھائی کپ لہسن(چوپ) 1کھانے کا چمچ براؤن شوگر 1کھانے کا چمچ پانی ایک چوتھائی کپ اُبلے ہوئے سفید چاول (سرونگ کے لیے)

کو پیکٹ سے نکال کرکھانے کے تیل میں ڈیپ فرائی کر لیں۔ K&N's Combo wings
اب ایک پین میں کھانے کا تیل لیں اور اس میں پیاز، شملہ مرچ، پیاز، نمک اور کالی مرچ ڈال کر ہلکا سا پکا لیں۔
ایک برتن میں سویاسوس، سیب کا سرکہ، کیچپ، شہد، لہسن، براؤن شوگراور ہلکا سا پانی ڈال کر ایک سے دو منٹ پکالیں۔
اب اس میں فرائی کی ہوئی سبزیاں ڈال کر ایک سے دو منٹ کے لیے پکا لیں۔
اب اس میں فرائی کی ہوئی چکن ونگز ڈال کر ہلکا سا گاڑھا ہونے تک پکا لیں۔
اُبلے ہوئے چاولوں کے ساتھ سروکریں۔
آپکی مزے دار سویٹ انینڈ ساور چکن ونگزتیار ہے۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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