


Zardah Recipe

Zardah Recipe

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Zarda Recipe in Urdu & English

Foodies with a sweet-tooth for traditional Pakistani desserts are in luck as SooperChef presents its delightful Zarda recipe. This colorful, sweet and tasty rice based recipe is the ultimate food for happiness as it is prepared on many auspicious occasions like Eid, weddings and other social gatherings. There are many other delectable dessert recipes on the menu like sheer Khurma, lab-e-Sheerin, Shahi Kheer and Shahi tukray. Zarda has long been a traditional dessert in the Indian subcontinent and is made with boiled rice, milk which is sweetened with sugar or in some cases jaggery, and flavored with cardamoms, cinnamons, raisins, saffron, almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts. The unique and peculiar trait of Zarda is that it is added with a bright yellow or orange food color. This is the reason behind the name of the recipe “Zarda” which is a derivation from the Urdu and Persian word “zard” which means yellow. Zarda is treated and served as a dessert after the main course meal and is prevalent in many rural parts of Pakistan and is served steaming hot in weddings and other happy occasions. Sometimes, the Zarda is confused with Mutanjan which is also a rice recipe with boiled rice and milk, but the only difference between the two is that Mutanjan is prepared with different colored rice while Zarda is only orange or yellow in color. Sometimes the Zarda recipe is garnished with candied fruits which are known as murabba. You can find the complete Zarda recipe on


- As needed Water

- ½ tsp Yellow Color

- 2 tbsp Cooking Oil

- 3 tbsp Desi Ghee

- 5g Cardamom

- 4 Cloves

- Half cup Milk

- 700g Guard Rice

- 1 cup Sugar

- 15g Almond

- 15g Cashew

- 15g Pistachio

- 20g Tutti Frutti (green & red)

- 100g Rasgulla

Cooking Method

1- In a bowl, add Guard Rice and soak for 90 minutes

2- In a pan, add water, yellow color, cooking oil and bring to boil

3- Now, add soaked rice and bring to boil

4- Now, in a pan, add desi ghee, cardamom, cloves, milk and bring to heat

5- Now, add boiled rice, sugar, almond, cashew, pistachio, tutti frutti, rasgulla and simmer for 3-4 minutes, then mix it

Your sweet Zarda now ready to serve

Cooking Time: 30 Minutes

Serve: 4

اجزاء پانی حسبِ ضرورت پیلا رنگ آدھا چائے کا چمچ کھانے کا تیل دو کھانے کے چمچ دیسی گھی تین کھانے کے چمچ الائچی پانچ گرام لونگ چار عدد دودھ آدھا کپ گارڈ چاول سات سو گرام چینی ایک کپ بادام پندرہ گرام کاجو پندرہ گرام پستہ پندرہ گرام اشرفی(سبز ،لال ) بیس گرام رس گلے ایک سو گرام ترکیب ۔ایک باؤل میں گارڈ سیلا چاول لیں اور اس میں پانی ڈال کر نوے منٹ کے لیے بھگو کر رکھ دیں ۔ ۔اب ایک پین میں پانی ،پیلا رنگ ،کھانے کا تیل ڈال کر اُبال لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں بھگو کر رکھے ہوئے چاول ڈال کر چاول کو اُبال لیں۔ ۔اب ایک پین میں دیسی گھی لیں اور اس میں الائچی ،لونگ اوردودھ ڈال کر گرم کر لیں ۔ ۔اب اس میں اُبلے ہوئے چاول ،چینی ،چاول ،چینی ،ڈرائی نٹس ،اشرفی اوررسگلے ڈال کر تین سے چار منٹ تک دم دیں اور مکس کرلیں ۔ ۔آپکا مزیدار زردہ تیار ہے ۔ پکانے کا وقت: تیس منٹ افراد: چار عدد

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