


The best thing about Ramzan and fasting is Iftar and its delicious and mouthwatering recipes. Although it’s hard to eat too much, the idea of a table filled with a variety of dishes and drinks keeps you motivated throughout the day. 

After a whole day of fasting, it could be hard to eat too many dishes but you can always drink as much as you want. Traditional Ramadan drinks are a very suitable way to fulfill your stomach and stay hydrated during hot summer days. These drinks for iftar in Ramzan refresh you after a long day and restore energy. 

This Ramzan, try out our new Ramadan drinks recipes and collect compliments from your family and friends for being the best host. 

Best drinks for Iftar in Ramadan:

Since Ramadan is coming in peak summer for the past few years, dehydration is a common problem. People can hardly drink two to three glasses of plain water in Sehri and Iftari and that’s not enough intake for a body. Since people have to work, go to offices, schools, and other places during Ramadan also, many people become sick due to excessive working and disturbed eating cycle.

Healthy drinks for Iftar help you boost your energy and feel fresh again. That is why; we are going to look for healthy and tasteful drinks for Iftar in this article.

Best Ramadan sharbat:

Sharbats are a traditional Ramadan drink and equally liked all over Pakistan. You can make sharbats of different fruits and other stuff. It’s a high in vitamin drink that instant refreshes your body.

Keri ka sharbat:

Keri (raw mango) is a very tasty and digestive fruit. Keri ka sharbat will be an amazing sharbat to have at your Iftar as it is healthy, savory, and delightful. It is a traditional Ramadan drink filled with pleasure and reduces dullness instantly. 

Jamun ka sharbat: 

It is a little unusual sharbat but will be a great surprise for your family and friends. Jamun ka sharbat is full of vitamins and minerals. It will instantly boost your energy in Iftar. 

Elaichi ka sharbat: 

Elaichi is a very refreshing ingredient. Its sharbat will help you build immunity and digest your food properly. Elaichi ka sharbat is a gift from the heavens in the matter of being refreshing and healthy. 

Imli-alubukhare ka sharbat: You will often spot stalls selling this sharbat in summers. It is a very refreshing and tasteful drink. The recipe is pretty simple, you can prepare it in very little time. It will be a good addition to remove tiredness and fulfill the body’s need for refreshment in iftar.

Ramadan drinks recipes:

Some refreshing and chill drinks for Ramazan are as follows:

Peach squash recipe: 

Homemade peach squash will be an ultimate delight for your guests. Add this amazing and chill recipe to your Iftar table and give your guests something to talk about. Store and make it every day and we promise no one will get bored of it.

Watermelon drink: 

This drink is best to keep yourself hydrated and fresh. This drink will keep your stomach healthy and your skin smooth and young. Watermelon drink will keep you fit as a flea and will be a great addition to your Iftar menu.

Mango squash:

Mango is the king of the season. Don’t lose any chance of enjoying its taste and make a very delicious mango squash for Iftar. You can make the mixture and store it, then make yummy squash whenever you want. 

Mint Margarita: 

Mint Margarita is a mint-containing popular drink. It has everything necessary to keep your body fresh and hydrated including lemons, mints and lots of water. You can make it at home as the recipe is very simple. Every one would be already familiar with the drink and would love to have this on Iftar table.

Shakes and smoothies:

If you want to have a light but healthy meal, go for a milk shake, or smoothie. Following recipes could be a good option for you:

Mix fruit smoothie: 

A smoothie made of nuts, different fruits, and milk will surely have a lot of minerals in it. A mixed fruit smoothie is a delicious and healthy recipe which you can add to your Iftar table. Your kids will love this and it is also very good to keep them in good health.


Thandai is also a very luscious and refreshing drink for Ramadan. It is full of energy and works like a magic. The recipe is time taking but is totally worth the effort. You can make and store it for a few days to enjoy a delicious drink for several days.

Strawberry banana smoothie: 

Banana is a very energetic fruit. 2 bananas are equal to one complete meal.  Strawberry is a kid’s favorite fruit and tastes very good. Their smoothie will be very nutritious and delicious at the same time. Make this for your kids for Iftar and it will be appreciated.

Dodh ki thandi bottle: 

A chilled bottle of sweet milk is what you need when you are tired and need something instantly energy boosting. This bottle of milk can be stored in the freezer so you can make and store it for several days.

Protein Shake:

Protein shake will fulfill your body’s protein needs and help you keep your workout routine active even during Ramadan. If you are a fitness freak and don’t want to compromise on your gym routine, protein shake is a must have for you this Ramazan. 


Iftari is a very appealing meal of the day during Ramadan. People enjoy this time with their families and arrange big feasts for family and friends. Having a variety of dishes and drinks will make you stand out and get everyone’s appreciation. These unusual and variety of drinks ideas will make everyone go wow. Try out these recipes from Sooper Chef and let us know about your experience.