


Macaroni Salad Recipe | How to make Macaroni Salad

Macaroni Salad Recipe | How to make Macaroni Salad

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Hi there sooperchef fans! is glad to bring the tasty macaroni salad to its long list of delectable recipes that you can find in both Urdu and English recipes and download for free at any time you want! There have been some really great salad recipes on sooperchef’s menu like the tasty and healthy chicken macaroni salad recipe recipe, the delightful and light Greek salad recipe, the exotic and drool-worthy Italian salad recipe and the new and innovative three types of salad recipe. The macaroni salad recipe is basically a type of pasta salad recipe that is generally prepared with cooked elbow macaroni and lots of mayonnaise. Very much like the coleslaw and the potato salad, it is often served as an appetizer, starter or side dish with fried chicken, bbq and other festive and picnic style dishes. There are hundreds of variants of the macaroni salad around the world but the general preparation of the recipe and ingredients remain the same. It is usually prepared with diced onions, celery, sweet and sour pickles, jalapenos, olives and seasoned with salt and pepper. In some places around the world, like Australia and New Zealand, it is commonly eaten and known by the name of pasta salad because it is prepared with cooked shell pasta pieces which are easily available on supermarkets and deli lines. In the Philippines, the macaroni salad has more of a sweet and sour flavor, while chicken is the main type of meat used in the dish, used for serving at gatherings and parties. You can download the complete macaroni salad on

As needed Water
200g Macaroni
As per taste Salt
1 tbsp Cooking Oil
10g Carrot
20g Cabbage
1 tbsp White Pepper Powder
1 tbsp Tomato Ketchup
2 tbsp Olive Oil
Cooking Method
1. In a pan, add water, macaroni, salt, cooking oil and bring to boil
2. In a bowl, add boiled macaroni, green capsicum, red capsicum, tomato, carrot, green coriander, cabbage, salt, white pepper powder, tomato ketchup, lemon juice, olive oil and mix them

Your tasty Macaroni Salad now ready to serve

Cooking Time: 20 minutes
Serve: 2

اجزاء پانی حسبِ ضرورت مکرونی دو سو گرام نمک حسبِ ذائقہ کھانے کا تیل ایک کھانے کاچمچ گاجر دس گرام بند گوبھی بیس گرام سفید مرچ پاؤڈر ایک کھانے کا چمچ ٹماٹو کیچپ ایک کھانے کاچمچ زیتون کا تیل دو کھانے کے چمچ ترکیب ۔ایک پیین میں پانی لیں اور اس میں مکرونی ،نمک اور کھانے کا تیل ڈال کر اُبال لیں ۔ ۔اب ایک باؤل میں اُبلی ہوئی مکرونی لیں اور اس میں سبز شملہ مرچ ، لال شملہ مرچ ،ٹماٹر ،گاجر ،سبز دھنیا ،بند گوبھی ،نمک،سفید مرچ پاؤڈر، ٹماٹو کیچپ،لیموں کا رس اور زیتون کا تیل ڈال کر مکس کرلیں ۔ آپکی مزیدار مکرونی سلاد تیار ہے ۔ بنانے کا وقت: بیس منٹ افراد: دو عدد

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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