


When is Eid ul Adha 2017 in Pakistan?

This year, Eid ul Adha is likely to start on September 1st, 2017 in Pakistan. The new moon of the 21st lunar month Zul-Hijj has already appeared on August 21st, 2018 and will disappear on the evening of next day and it will be visible on the Skyline after the sunset of the very next day. Employees all across the country usually get a three-day holiday to enjoy, celebrate, cherish and sacrifice their animals on EidulAdha.Eid ul Adha’s celebrations come right after the completion of Hajj, the most important and the basic Islamic pilgrimage towards Mecca, the holy city of Saudi Arabia. Hajj is the most divine and unifying force considered in our Islamic religion.There can’t be seen such a true and great display of Muslim Ummah’s solidarity and unity than the Hajj. Hajj is considered as the greatest manifestation of Muslim brotherhood joined together to perform their pilgrimage without any social or national boundaries. It provides once in the life time chance to all the Muslims across the globe who can easily afford it from any corner of the world, travelling towards the holy city of Makkah at the Kabba for a five day of Muslim worship.

Enjoy this Bakra EiD with these Flavorsome Eid ul Adha Recipes

Eid UL Adha is also known as Bakra Eid or Bakr Eid is one of the most anticipated occasion of the year among Muslims. Muslims all across the globe celebrate this joyous Eid with their families and loved ones. Mostly the children seem too excited about this Eid and look forward to celebrate the Eid with goats, lambs, cows, sheep and even camels. Kids enjoy taking care of their animals that are being sacrificed on Eid day in the name of Allah. People feed them and care for the animals before the sacrifice is done. No matter, what type of animal you bring at home for Eid, at the end of the day the sacrifice is made and the animal are cut into favorite pieces of meat by butchers. Every home tries to order their custom-made cuts of fresh meat and with so much meat in the house, the only expectation is about delicious, mouthwatering and scrumptious meals with a wide range of dishes.There is a wide range of Bakra Eid Recipes or you can say Eid ul Adha Recipes both in English and Urdu at You can learn these delicious meals at home by watching 1-minute instant cooking videos and serve them to your family and guests. A wide range of BBQ recipes is also available here for your comfort to watch and learn cooking on your smartphone by watching your favorite cooking video that you need to cook and serve at home. Here is the list of delicious and mouthwatering food recipe categories to select and view according to your taste:

  1. Beef Recipes
  2. Mutton Recipes
  3. Chicken Recipes
  4. Rice Recipes
  5. Sweet Recipes
  6. Fast Food Recipes
  7. Biryani Recipes
  8. Kabab Recipes
  9. Kofta Recipes