These Diet Mistakes Trigger Severe Headaches & Migraines
Even though the actual happening of migraines is still not clear, but, the majority of the experts agree to the fact that severe headaches can trigger by the medicines you intake, or abrupt changes in your endocrine system, and improper sleep routines. Moreover, your daily eating habits also create an impact to trigger migraines and headaches. Almost ten percent of the people across the globe suffer from a different type of headaches and migraines, triggered by typical dietary mistakes. BetterRead came up with a list of the most common food items that causes migraine attacks. Let us get to the facts straightaway:Aged cheese

Cheese that is old or goes through any sort of aging process to be conserved for lasting long might be activating migraine as it is high in tyramine. Tyramine is extracted from the amino acid, tyrosine and is formed in such type of foods that are spoiled, aged, pickled, fermented, smoked, or marinated. Aged cheese includes the most used cheddar cheese. But, on the other side, fresh cheese doesn