


Kashmiri Pulao Recipe

Kashmiri Pulao Recipe

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Kashmiri Pulao They say Kashmir is a piece of heaven on the face of this planet. Home to beautiful landscapes, beautiful people and of course beautiful Kashmiri cuisine and traditional Kashmiri recipes. And now your very own, Pakistan’s largest online food portal, is bringing a piece of Kashmir to your kitchen via your smartphone devices, and it is known as the delectable and aromatic Kashmiri pulao recipe. Rice is one of the staple diets of the denizens of Kashmir and this tasty pulao is eaten with great delights at auspicious occasions and festivities. There are some other delectable rice recipes on the menu of which are worthy of mention, for example the delectable and traditional Bombay biryani , the tasty gift from Afghanistan: Kabuli pulao recipe , and the last but not the least, the aromatic and flavorsome Punjabi Yakhni pulao recipe . The preparation method of the Kashmiri pulao recipe is almost like any other pulao recipe but one of the main characteristics that separate it from other pulao dishes, is the voracious usage of meat for the preparation. Traditionally, the Kashmiri pulao is prepared with lamb or mutton meat and garnished with dried fruits and nuts like almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts, pistachios and raisins. You can log on to and download the complete Kashmiri pulao recipe in Urdu and English language for free. If you are new to the whole cooking process, or just want to hone your cooking skills further, you can watch our two-minute instant video for added assistance.

Kashmiri Pulao Recipe in Urdu & English

Enjoy the taste of this unique delicious dish ‘Kashmiri Pulao’ also sometimes stated as ‘Kashmiri Pallao’. This very fascinating Kashmiri Pulao dish is originally originated from Northern Indian State of Kashmir.

This favorite cuisine of Kashmir is famous for using huge variety of nuts and dry fruits that are widely spread all over the dish and mixed completely so that every bite is healthy and delicious. Kashmir is one of the beautiful places on earth, due to cold weather of Kashmir this dish is cooked with the mixture of all nuts and dry fruits that not only enhance the taste of this super easy to cook dish Kashmiri Pulao but also keeps people of Kashmir warm. Due to its uniqueness and ingredient this dish has penetrated across all over the world and now becomes part of all restaurants’ menu. We have cooked this dish in a unique style and used apple slices for garnishing.

Enjoy the hot Kashmiri Pulao recipe in Urdu with the easy style by steps preparation of and serve it as a main dish along with some Salad and Raita at your home and take the credit of best dish. Find all the ingredients and methods of preparing your favorite dishes only at


How to make Kashmiri Pulao

Ingredients for kashmiri pulao

500 gm Rice
500 gm Mutton
water (As Needed)
Salt (As Needed)
4 TBSP Cooking Oil
1 Medium Onion (Chopped)
2 Green Chilies (chopped)
1 TBSP whole Cumin
1 TBSP Whole Hot Spices
1 & 1/2 TBSP Ginger Garlic Paste
1/2 cup Yogurt
1 TBSP Red Chili Powder
1 TSP Black Pepper Crushed
1 TSP Hot Spices powder
1 TSP Coriander Powder
1 TSP Cumin Powder
20-25 pieces Almonds
15-20 pieces, Cashew
15-20 pieces, Pistachio
5-10 pieces, Walnuts
Apple Slices (As needed for garnishing)
1 Large Cup Mutton Stock

Instructions for kashmiri pulao

1- In a cooking pot, add water, salt, mutton and boil it.
2- In a cooking pan, add cooking oil, onion, green chili, whole cumin, whole hot spies and cook it until light brown.
3- Now add ginger & garlic paste, boiled mutton, yogurt, salt, red chili powder, black pepper crushed, hot spices powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, almonds, cashew, pistachio, walnut and cook it for 3-4 minutes.
4- After that add mutton stock and boil it.
5- Then add rice
6-When water remains in small quantity, steam it.
7- Use apple slices for garnishing.
8- Your tasty Kashmiri Pulao is ready to serve

Cooking time: 1 hour
Serves: 4 persons

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اجزاء ۔مٹن 500گرام ۔چاول 500گرام ۔پانی حسبِ ضرورت ۔نمک حسبِ ذائقہ ۔کھانے کا تیل چار کھانے کے چمچ ۔پیاز ( درمیانہ کٹا ہوا) ایک عدد ۔ہری مرچ دو عدد ۔ثابت زیرہ ایک کھانے کا چمچ ۔ثا بت گرم مصالحہ ایک کھانے کا چمچ ۔ادرک لہسن پیسٹ ڈیڑھ کھانے کے چمچ ۔دہی آدھا کپ ۔لال مرچ پسی ہوئی ایک کھانے کا چمچ ۔کالی مر چ کُٹی ہوئی ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔گرم مصالحہ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔دھنیا پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔زیرہ پاؤڈر ایک چائے کا چمچ ۔بادام 25-20 ۔کاجو 20-15 ۔پستہ 20-15 ۔اخروٹ 10-5 مٹن یخنی ایک بڑا کپ (۔سیب ( حسبِ ضرورت ترکیب ایک برتن میں پانی لیں اور اس میں مٹن اور نمک ڈال کر اُبا ل لیں۔ گوشت گال جانے پر گوشت اور یخنی الگ کر لیں۔ اب ایک برتن میں کھانے کا تیل، پیاز، ہری مرچ، ثابت زیرہ اور ثابت گرم مصا لحہ ڈال کر لا ئٹ براؤن ہونے تک فرائی کر لیں۔ ۔ اب اس میں ادرک لہسن کا پیسٹ، اُبلا ہوا گوشت، دہی، نمک، لال مرچ پیسی ہوئی،کالی مرچ کُٹی ہوئی،گرم مصالحہ پا ؤڈر ، دھنیا پاؤڈر، زیرہ پاؤڈر،بادام، کاجو،پستہ، اخروٹ ڈال کر تین سے چار منٹ پکا لیں۔ ۔ اب یخنی ڈال کر اُبال لیں۔ ۔ اب چاول ڈال کر پکائیں جب پانی تھوڑا سا رہ جائے تو دم دے دیں۔ ۔ سیب کی گارنش کر لیں۔ آپکا مزے دار کشمیری پلاؤ تیار ہے۔ پکانے کا وقت : ایک گھنٹہ، افراد: 4

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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