


Noodles Soup Recipe

Noodles Soup Recipe

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Are you one of the folks who fancy something light and easy on the stomach? Then say hello to the noodles soup recipe, presented to you by the largest and number one digital food network of the country, The noodle soup recipe refers to a variety of soups that are prepped with noodles and some other ingredients like meat and vegetables, served in a light broth. This noodle soup is a staple in eastern and southeastern Asian communities. There are many other tasty and healthy recipes that you can find on the panel of sooperchef, some of the most top-notch recipes that you need to take a look at including the tasty and flavorsome galouti kabab recipe, the flaky and crumbly fried chicken legs recipe, the soft and mushy chicken tender recipe, the aromatic Navratan pulao recipe, and at last but not the least the delectable chicken and vegetable spring rolls recipe. The noodle soup recipes are often referred to as soupy noodles: the noodles added into the mix can range from all kinds of noodles from rice noodles to egg noodles. They are eaten over vast numbers of countries including Myanmar, Japan, and China, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Tibet, Taiwan, Vietnam and the United States of America. There are thousands of variants that fall in the same category, including ramen noodles, beef and oysters noodles and soup, sinata egg noodles soup, the curry laska rice and coconut noodle soup etc. you can download the complete noodle soup recipe in Urdu and English from sooperchef for free.

How to make Noodle Soup

Ingredients for Noodle Soup
1 liter Chicken stock
200 gm Chicken boneless
Salt (As needed)
1 tsp Black Pepper Powder
1 & 1/2 tsp Sugar
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
20 gm Peas
1 Carrot
1 Capsicum
30 gm Cabbage
250 gm Boiled Noodles
10 gm Green onions

Instruction for Noodle soup:
1. In a cooking pot, add chicken stock, Boiled chicken, salt, black pepper powder ,sugar, soy sauce and boil it.
2. Now, add peas, cabbage, carrot, capsicum and 2-4 minutes.
Now , add boiled noodles and boil 2-3 minutes.
Use green onion for garnishing.
Your tasty Noodles Soup now ready to serve

نوڈلز سوپ اجزاء چکن یخنی ایک لیٹر چکن بونلیس دو سو گرام نمک حسبِ ضرورت کالی مرچ پاؤڈر ۱ چائے کا چمچ چینی ڈیڑھ کھانے کا چمچ سویا سوس ایک کھانے کا چمچ مٹر بیس گرام گاجر ایک عدد شملہ مرچ ۱ یک عدد بند گوبھی تیس گرام نوڈلز(اُبلے ہوئے) ڈھائی سو گرام 10 ہرا پیاز گرام نوڈلز سوپ ترکیب ایک برتن میں چکن یخنی، چکن،نمک، کالی مرچ، چینی،سویا سوس ڈال کر اُبال لیں۔ اب اس میں مٹر، گو بھی، گاجر، شملہ مرچ ڈال کر دو سے چار منٹ تک اُبال لیں۔ اب اس میں اُبلے ہوئے نوڈلز ڈال کر دو سے تین منٹ پکا لیں۔ ہرا پیاز بطور گارنش استعما ل کر لیں۔ آپکا مزے دار نوڈلز سوپ تیار ہے۔

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03 Feb 2022 08:04 PM
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