


Top Five Chinese Dishes that are Loved by Pakistanis

Top Five Chinese Dishes that are Loved by Pakistanis

Top Five Chinese Dishes that are Loved by Pakistanis

Pakistan has a wide variety of tastes. With a diverse population that craves all kinds of grub from traditional Pakistani dishes to exotic cuisines, Pakistan has more than its fair share of variants of continental dishes from Turkish to Italian. But the taste which Pakistan has acquired the most is from our friendly neighbor china. Chinese dishes have made their way to the hearts of foodies all over Pakistan and now no menu is complete without them. Following is a list of Chinese food loved by Pakistani foodies.

1. Soups

soups Pakistani kitchens boast a wide range of Chinese soups which are relished all over the country by old and young alike. Soups which are a delicacy especially during the chilly months of winter, when people like to warm themselves up with a nice, steamy bowl of soup. Chinese soups like the Hot & Sour Soup, Mushroom soup, Fish Vegetable and Noodle Soup


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